Sanggunian Panlalawigan Office







1. Issuance of official  Documents and transcription of records

Any person who wants to obtain official documents from the Sanggunian

1. Register at the logbook and fill  out Request Form at the Office of  the SP Secretary

Client and the Officer of the Day    

1 min.

 Duly filled out Request  Form

 Official Receipt issued  by PTO (for private  purposes)                


 2. Proceed to the Treasurer’s Office  and pay Secretary’s  fee (if applicable) ,then go back to the SP Secretary’s Office and present the Official Receipt (OR);



5 mins.



3. Staff receives and produces copy of the requested documents.

Nona Dell C. Vargas

Roy Z. Abad

10 mins.

4.Issuance of certified copies of Sanggunian documents

Celerina E. Beronque 

2 mins.







*   Our Philippine Constitution guarantees that the right of the people to information on matters of public concern shall be recognized. Access to official records and documents, and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, or decisions as well as to government research data used as basis for policy developments shall be afforded the citizens, subject to such limitations as may be provided by law.


*   Any person may obtain records or documents from the Sangguniang Panlalawigan through the office of the SP Secretary, subject to payment of secretary's fees as provided for under Section 3B.01 of Provincial Ordinance No. 54 s. 2005(Revenue Code of the province of Batanes)




*   Request Form










(   ) private or personal use

(   ) for official business








Section 3B.01 Imposition of fee "There shall be collected fees from every person requesting for copies of official records and documents from the offices of the provincial government."


                (a)  For every page or fraction thereof, type written (not including the certification and any notation) Forty pesos (P40.00)


 ________ (b) Where the copy to be furnished is in a printed form, in whole or in part, for each page, Thirty pesos (P30.00)


 ________ (c)  Each certificate of correctness ( with seal of office) written on the copy or attached thereto, Thirty five pesos, (P35.00)


 ________ (d) Certifying the official act of a Provincial Fiscal or other judicial certificate, with seal, Fifty pesos (P50.00)


 ________ (e) Certified copies of any paper, record, decree, judgment or entry of which any person is entitled to demand and to receive a copy (in connection with the judicial proceedings), for every page, Twenty pesos (P20.00)


 ________ (f) Xerox copy, or any other copy produced by copying machine, per page Five pesos (P5.00)


 ________ (g) Photocopy, per page, Three pesos (P3.00) for long, Two pesos (P2.00) for short



Section 3B.02 Exemption " The fee imposed in this article shall not be collected for copies furnished other offices and branches of the government for official business except for those copies required by the court at the request of the litigants, in which case fees shall be in accordance with above schedule."


IV.  _________________ no. of copies/pages, __________________ total amount of fee.









 Name and Signature



 (Requesting Party)  


Provincial Treasurer's Office







1. Collection/ Payment of rental fees for spaces and equipment  at Farmers and Fishermen's Market per Ordinance No. 71 series of 2009



Market vendors



1. Proceed to the Provincial Agricultures office / Administrator's Office to provide  client with briefing on the service and its requirements

Provincial Agricultures Office/ Administrator's officer-in-charge

5 mins.

 Application Letter

2. Proceed to Cash Section of Provincial Treasurer's Office to pay the required fee

Treasurer, Cashier and Revenue Collector

3 mins.


3. Proceed to Provincial Agricultures Office and show official receipt.

Provincial Agricultures Office/Administrator's officer-in-charge

3 mins.

Official receipt showing payment of required fees

2. Collection of taxes and fees per Ordinance No. 54, Series of 2005






2.1 Governor's permit fees based on Chapter 3 Art. A Sec.  3A.01 Sec  3A.06 of the Provincial Ordinance No. 54 series  of 2005






1. Proceed to the Provincial Governor's  Office, secure application forms and other requirements  and make clarificatory inquiries

Executive Assistant - Rhodina B. Aguto/

Liz C. Pama

10 mins.

 Application Letter

2. Proceed to Cash Section of Provincial Treasurer's Office for payment of permit fee

Revenue Collector,Provincial Treasurers Office

3 mins.


3. Proceed to Provincial Governor's Office and show official receipt as basis of issuance of Governor’s permit

Provincial Governor's Office Person-In-Charge

3 mins.

Governor's permit and official

2.2 Secretary's fee per Provincial Ordinance No.54 series of 2009,under Chapter 3, Art. B, Sec. 3B-01 to Sec. 3B-03



Gov’t officials& employees-general public


1. Proceed to the HRMDO/Administrator's Office, secure application  forms and other requirements and make clarificatory inquiries

HRMDO - Robert Abad/

Eva Esperanza

Administrator's office Person In-Charge

10 mins.

Application letter

2. Proceed to Cash Section of Provincial Treasurer's Office to pay research and Secretary's fee

Revenue Collector, Provincial Treasurer's Office

3 mins.


3. Proceed to HRMDO/ Administrator's Office and show official receipt

Robert Abad

Administrator's office persons -in -charge

5 mins.

Certification and official receipt showing payment of required fees

2.3  Fees on land surveying conducted by the office of the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources per Provincial Ordinance No. 54, series of 2005 under Chapter 3, Art. C, Sec. 3 C.06

General  Public



1. Proceed to Office of the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources, secure application forms and other requirements and make clarificatory inquiries

Office of the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Person-In-Charge/ Dan Esdicul

10 mins.

Application letter

2. Proceed to Cash Section of Provincial Treasurer's Office to pay required fees

Revenue Collection clerk, provincial Treasurer's Office

3 mins.


3. Submit/ show receipt to the Office of the Provincial Environment and Natural  Resources

Office of the Provincial  Environment and Natural Resources Person-In-Charge

5 mins.

Official receipt showing payment of required fee

2.4 Tax on Transfer of real property ownership per Provincial Ordinance No. 54 series of 2005 under Art. B, Sec. 2B.01-2B.07






1. Proceed to the Provincial Assessors office, secure application forms and other requirements and make clarificatory inquiries

Assessment Clerk

10 mins.

Application letter

2. Proceed to Cash Section of Provincial Treasurer's Office to pay fees

Revenue Collection Clerk, Provincial Treasurer's Office

5 mins.

Certification from Assessor's office and official receipt showing payment of required fees

3. Proceed to Provincial Assessor's Office and show official receipt as basis of issuance of certificate on transfer of RPT

Provincial Assessor's Office Person-In-Charge

5 mins.

Application letter

2.5 Franchise Tax base on Art. D  of provincial ordinance No. 54 series of 2005






1. Proceed to the Provincial Governors office, secure application forms and other requirements and make clarificatory inquiries

Provincial Governors Office Person-in-charge

5 mins

Record book showing as basis  of computation (ex. Official receipt) showing  payment of required tax

2. Proceed to Cash Section of Provincial Treasurer's Office to pay fees/ tax

Revenue Collection clerk, Provincial Treasurer's Office

3 mins.

3. Proceed to Provincial Governor's Office, submit and show official receipts

Provincial Governor's Office Person-In-Charge

3 mins.


2.6 Tax on sand, gravel and other quarry resources per Art. E Sec. 2E.01 of the Provincial Ordinance No. 54 Series of 2005




General public




1. Proceed to Office of the Provincial environment and Natural resources, secure application forms and other Requirements and make clarificatory inquiries.

Office of the Provincial  Environment and Natural Resources Person-In-Charge

10 mins.

Application Letter

2. Proceed to Cash Section of Provincial Treasurer's Office for payment of tax

  Provincial Governor

3 mins.


3.Proceed to Provincial Governors Office for signature and approval of permit

Revenue Collection, Clerk, Provincial Treasurer's Office

3 mins.

Permit to quarry as basis of issuance of official receipt

4. Submit to Provincial Environment and Natural Resources accomplished application, documents and official receipt

Office of the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Person-In-Charge

5 mins.

Official receipt showing payment Of required tax

2.7 Professional tax per Provincial Ordinance No. 54 series of 2005 under Art F Section 2F.01-Sec. 2F.10



Professionals in private practice of their profession


1. Proceed to the Provincial Governor's Office/ Administrator's Office, secure application forms and other requirements and make clarificatory inquiries

Executive Assistant - Rhodina Aguto/ Liz  Pama

5 mins.

1. Application Letter

2. License I.D.

2. Proceed to Provincial Treasurer's to present license and pay the required fee.

Revenue Collector, PTO

4 mins.


3. Proceed to Provincial Governor's/Administrator's Office and show official receipt

Provincial Governor's/ Administrator's Office Person In-Charge

4 mins.


3. Disbursement of funds




5 min/

Approved payrolls

3.1 Payment of salaries and wages






Provincial  Government of Batanes regular,  casual employees and laborers



Prepare voucher for cash advance duly supported by summary statement of approved payrolls and forward to accounting. Office for  processing

Accounting clerks/ designated as special disbursing officers

1. Edgar Caballero

2. Cresencia Viegan

3. Edwin Odesa

4. James Redondo

5. Roscoe Hernandez

Cash advance








Prepare checks of approved cash advance and have it signed by the treasurer,

Countersign by Governor and forward to Accounting office for the issuance of

Accountants Advice of Local Check Disbursement.

Withdraw cash in the authorized depository bank and disbursed funds for the payment of salaries and wages.


Adm. Officer II Designated Special

Disbursing Officer

-Enriquita Loreto

5 min/ check

Approved voucher for cash advance

Accounting clerks/designated as Disbursing Officers

5 min/ check

Approved payrolls

3.2 payment of all approved vouchers for travel, Payment of construction materials ,supplies, and   other payables of the Provincial  Government of Batanes.





Issue checks for all approved voucher for the payment of  all payables of the Provincial  Government of Batanes.



Adm. officer II

Designated special Disbursing officer

- Enriquita Loreto



5 min/ check




Approved vouchers




3.3 payment of remittances to other agencies





GSIS,HDMF LBP, BIR, Phil. HEALTH, BGESLAI, and other lending  institutions



Consolidate Statement of Remittances

Adm. Officer I

-James Redondo

4 hrs. /rem.




Statement of remittances  of GSIS, HDMF, PhilHEALTH, LBP,BGESLAI,BIR and other Lending institutions by office



 Prepare Summary Statement of Remittances to be attached to the voucher and Forward to accounting office for processing forward to Accounting office for processing.

Administrative Aide III

-Richelle Mary Amboy



Issue check for the payment of Remittances.

Pay remittances to the agency concern.

Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office










1. Provision of   Financial/Medical Assistance - Aid to   individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS)










Disadvantaged Families/ individuals












A. If walk in client



1. Inquiry/Application

Officer of the day

10 min.

Letter request/ referral



2. filling out the general intake sheet, interview and assessment.

Denalyn C. Vergara

45 min.

General Intake sheet



3. Preparation of Social case study report. (finalization is dependent on the compliance to doc. Requirements, e.g clinical abstract etc.)

Denalyn Vergara/

Henry C. Come

6 hrs.

Clinical abstract/ medical certification



4. Upon approval, preparation of attachments/ supporting documents and  forward the same to PBO for processing.

Maricel C. Caguioa

15 min.

OR, DV, acknowledgement receipt



5. Upon notice by PTO, inform client and claiming slip

Denalyn Vergara

3 min.

Claiming slip Acknowledgement receipt



6. As necessary, conduct home visits & provide follow up services.

Henry C. Come/

Denalyn Vergara

30 min.

Process recording



B. If referral



1. Referring party submits referral.

Officer of the day

15 min.




2. Review documents as to its completeness

Denalyn Vergara

5 min.

SCSR with its sup. Docs



3. Assessment and preparation of certificate of eligibility

Hrenry C. Come/

Maricel C. Caguioa

5 min.

Certificate of eligibility



4. Upon approval follow steps 4, 5 and 6.


30 min




II. Analysis of data upon receipt




LGU/SWDP Stakeholders




1. Review submitted data bank and family classification as to completeness

Rebecca A. Carpiso

4 days




2.  Consolidates & validate data

Rebecca A. Carpiso

3 days




3.  Prepare comparative analysis

Rebecca A. Carpiso

1 day




 4. Submit final report

Rebecca A. Carpiso

1 hour




* facilitate data to requesting agency




NGO’s, NGA, PGB  departments




1. Fills out request form

Officer of the day

10 min.

Properly filled out request form



2. Refer request to the head for approval

Rebecca A. Carpiso/

Jerome G. Castillo

15 min.




3. Research data

Rebecca A. Carpiso

15 mins.




4. Release approved data

Rebecca A. Carpiso

5 min.




III. Livelihood assistance  Program thru self  Employment Assistance- Kaunlaran (SEA-K)






Marginalized Families/individual







1. Inquiry/ application

Officer of the day/

Catherine G. Espinosa

30 min.

Project proposal clients profiler



2. Orientation/ overview of the features and scheme of the program

Jerome G. Castillo/

Catherine G. Espinosa

1 hr.




3. Preparation of project proposal and feasibility study

Catherine G. Espinosa/

5 hrs. &

SEA-K forms 1&2





40 min.

For groups (family Enterprise)



4. Preparation of liquidation papers for fund release

Catherine G. Espinosa

4 hrs.




5. Upon notice from the PTO, inform client and issue release slip

Catherine G. Espinosa

30 min.

Release slip



6. Livelihood project monitoring

Catherine G. Espinosa

8 hr.

Progress/monitoring report



IV. Court Related/ Special Cases




Prospective Adoptive Parents and the child

1. Inquiry and application

Henry E. Come

30 min.

Application form



A.1 Regular (non-relative) Adoption



2. Pre adaptation services (processes and doc. requirements)

Henry E. Come

2 hours

Process recording



A.1.1 Filling of petition for DSWD certification declaring a child legally available for adaptation













3. Documentation thru Home visits, Personal and Collateral Interviews

Henry E. Come

3 hours

Process recording



4. Preparation of Child Study Report.

Henry E. Come

3 weeks

Process recording/ documentary and requirements



5. Filling of petition for  the DSWD cert. to declare a child legally available for adaptation (note: processing by DSWD is 22 days)

Jerome G. Castillo 

4 hours

 Filled out and duly notarized petition with the supp. docs. E.g deed of Voluntary Commitment(DVC) etc.



6. Upon issuance of the certification, preparation of the Home Study Report for the issuance of consent by DSWD.

Maricel C. Caguioa/

Henry C. Come

3 weeks

Process recording and  documentary requirements



7. Endorsed/transmits approved home and Child Study Reports to the court.

Henry C. Come

Upon notice by court

Case folder



8.Attenddance to court hearing 






A.2 Relative Adoptation



Prospective adoptive parents and the Child


1. Upon receipt of the Court Order, follow step 2 &3

Henry C. Come


Petition w/ its sup. Docs



2. Preparation of Child and Home Study Reports

Henry C. Come

3 weeks

Doc. Req. based on the checklist, RA 8552



3. Follow  step 7 & 8

Henry C. Come


Case folder



B. Child in conflict with the Law (CICL) services


1. Intake interview and initial assessment

Henry C. Come

1 hr.

General intake sheet, Birth Certificate & Incident report



B.1 Children below 15 years old and 15 years and above without discernment








 2. Preparation of Social Case  Study Report

 Jerome G. Castillo/

Henry C. Come

8 hours




3. Formulation of Intervention Program

Jerome G. Castillo/         Henry C. Come

The client, parents,              representative from the LCPC.

2 hrs.

Case folder



4. Implementation, monitoring and evaluation

Jerome G. Castillo/      

Henry C. Come/LCPC/ client and family

3 mos. Once a week in the duration of the intervention program




5. Preparation of termination report and disposition

Jerome G. Castillo/

Henry C. Come /LCPC/ client and family

4 hours

Case folder



B.2 children above 15 years old but below 18 with discernment




















1. Intake interview and initial assessment

Henry C. Come


General Intake sheet, Birth cert. and incident report



2. Preparation of Social Case Study Report

Henry C. Come

8 hrs.




3. Transmittal of SCSR with the sup. docs. to the referring party

Maricel C. Caguioa

15 min.

Transmittal of docs.



4. By subpoena  or court order, attend court hearing

Jerome G. Castillo/        Henry C. Come

4 hrs.

Case folder of clients



5. Preparation of diversion program

Jerome G. Castillo/       Henry C. Come/LCPC/ client and family

6 mos

Case folder



6. Implementation of the diversion program

Jerome G. Castillo/         Henry C. Come

1 hr.

Case folder



7. preparation of progress report

Henry C. Come


Case folder



8. Forward case study report to court including finding & recommendations

Henry C. Come/ Maricel C. Caguioa

15 min

Case folder



9. Attend court hearing

Henry C. Come

8 hours

Case folder



10. After care services/ follow up services(home visits)/counselling Services)

Jerome G. Castillo/

Henry C. Come

4 hours

Case folder



C. Provision of services to Probationers/ parolees





Probationers/ parolees





1. Home visit with client families/collateral contact in the community

Jerome G. Castillo

1 hour

Case folder



2. Regular Personal reporting of client

Jerome G. Castillo

1 hour

Case folder



3. Formulate report for clients compliance with the provisional agreements/probational  provision.

Jerome G. Castillo

1 hour

Case folder



4. Forward report to regional parole and probation administration

Jerome G. Castillo

30 min.

Case folder



5. If there is violation of agreement, responsible in bringing/reporting client to court

Jerome G. Castillo

4 hours

Case folder



D. Domestic Violence Cases




Victims of domestic violence




1. Intake interview and Assessment

Henry C. Come

2 hours

Intake sheet, incident report



2. Provision of Psychological Support and Disposition, e.g. Counselling, Family conferencing, protective custody and other after care services

Jerome G. Castillo/

Henry C. Come

1 hour

Case Folder



3. As appropriate orientation on the provisions of R.A. 9262 including options of the client to the file protection order (BPO, TPO, PPO)

Jerome G. Castillo/

Henry C. Come

1 hour

Case Folder



4. Follow up/after care services

Jerome G. Castillo/

Henry C. Come

2 hours

Case Folder


V. Solicitation Permit





NGO associations/ Groups/individuals





1. Receives and review request letter

Officer of the day

10 min.

Request letter


2. Filling out of application form and orientation on the checklist of requirement

Jerome G. Castillo/

Henry G. Come

30 min.

Application forms Fees, picture


3. Upon compliance, review of documents as to completeness

Jerome G. Castillo/

Henry G. Come

30 min.

All doc. Requirements


4. Prepares transmittal of the documents to DSWD Regional Office for approval

Maricel C. Caguioa

10 min.

All doc. Requirements


5. Upon receipt of the approved solicitation permit, transmit to client

Maricel C. Caguioa

10 min.

All doc. Requirements


VI. Clearance for Minors Travelling Abroad (MTA)




Parents/Child travelling abroad




1. Inquiry , orientation and filling of application

Henry G. Come

30 min.

Application form


2. Upon compliance to doc. requirements prepares assessment report

Henry G. Come

4 hrs.

Filled out application form, supp. Docs and fee


3. Endorsement to DSWD regional office for processing and approval

Jerome G. Castillo/ Henry C. Come

15 min.

 All doc. Requirements


4.Upon receipt of the approved clearance, transmit the same to the applicant

Henry C. Come/

Maricel C. Caguioa

15 min.

 Personal appearance of Client


VII. Assessment and Accreditation of Day Care Workers and Centers








Community/ Center Based Day Care  Centers & Day Care Workers



1. Conduct orientation

Rebecca A. Carpiso

2 hrs.

Accreditation tools/


 2. Provision  of technical Assistance (actual visit)

 Jerome G. Castillo/

Rebecca A. Carpiso

6 hrs./ Day Care Center

forms process recording







3. Report on findings and  endorsement to DSWD  F.O  for consideration

Jerome G. Castillo/

Rebecca A. Carpiso

4 hrs.



4. Upon receipt of the accreditation , transmit to respective DCCs and DCWs

 Rebecca A. Carpiso

15 min.







1. Inquiry, application and  orientation

Jerome G. Castillo

4 hrs.



2. On site assessment  and collateral interviews

Jerome G. Castillo

2 hrs.

Application form


3. Endorsement of documents DSWD  F. O  2 for consideration.

Jerome G. Castillo/

Maricel C. Caguioa

30 min.



4. Receives approved documents & endorse to NGO

Jerome G. Castillo/

Maricel C. Caguioa

15 min.

Doc. Requirements


VIII. Food Assistance Program
















Disadvantages Group, Families & Individuals





A. Food for Work


a. Review and assessment of project proposal

Jerome G. Castillo/

Henry C. Come

30 min.

Project proposal


b. Endorsement to PGO for consideration

Jerome G. Castillo/

Ermelinda E. Abengana

15 min.

Endorsement letter


c. Preparation of RIS with distribution sheet

Ermelinda E. Abengana

30 min.



d. Upon approval, released of food commodities

Ermelinda E. Abengana

15 min.



e. Retrieval of RIS/distribution sheet for posting

Ermelinda E. Abengana

3 days.

Approved RIS and Dist Sheet








B. Food subsidy for Indigent Families.


a. Review of SCSR per client

Jerome G. Castillo/

Henry C. Come

30 min.



b. Preparation of Certificate of Eligibility.

Henry C. Come/

Maricel C. Cagiuoa

15 min.



c. Preparation of RIS and distribution sheets.

Ermelinda E. Abengana




d. Upon approval, released of food subsidy per approved RIS w/ distribution sheet.

Ermelinda E. Abengana

Reynaldo C. Ibay

30 min.

Certificate of eligibility


e. Retrieval of RIS w/ distribution sheet for posting.

Ermelinda E. Abengana

30 min.

RIS and Distribution Sheet







C. Supplemental Feeding


a. Profiling and assessment of clients.

Rebecca A. Carpiso

1 week

Master list of proposed beneficiaries


b. Preparation of  Project Proposal

Rebecca A. Carpiso

2 hrs.

Project Proposal


c. Procurement of goods.

Rebecca A. Carpiso/ Ermelinda  E. Abengana

2 weeks

OBR, DV, Inspection report


d. Implementation and monitoring.

Rebecca A. Carpiso

6 months

OPT, implementation and Monitoring Report


IX. Monitoring and Technical Assistance to MSWDO’s and Community Welfare Structure





1. Filing of request and purpose

Senior/Technical staff

30 min

Request letter


2. Home visits/visits to community welfare structures/organizations with MSWDO’s.

Senior/Technical staff

4hrs per CWS

Individual record/folder of CWS


3. Feed backing/Documentation

Senior/Technical staff

1 hour

Process recording


X. Medicare para sa masa/ Philhealth Program






Indigents & other needy families






1. Orientation on the program

Jerome G. Castillo/ Rosally A. Adami

2 hours

Attendance of proposed beneficiaries


2. Assessment & validation of beneficiaries

Rosally A. Adami

3 days

List of beneficiaries


3. Preparation & compliance to documentary requirements

Rosally A. Adami

2 weeks

Indi. Family Data Form, Philhealth application form


4. Consolidation of Beneficiaries

Rosally A. Adami




5. Endorsement of documents to Philhealth

Rosally A. Adami

30 min.

Transmittal with the  above  docs.


6. Distribution of ID cards

Rosally A. Adami

1 hr/brgy

Personal presence of beneficiaries


XI. Social Pension Program





Indigent Senior Citizen/aged/ Sick/Frail





1. Orientation on the program.

Jerome G. Castillo/

Rosally Adami

2 hours

Attendance of proposed beneficiaries


2. Assessment and Validation of beneficiaries

Rosally Adami

3 days

List of prop. Beneficiaries


3. Preparation and compliance to doc. requirements

Rosally Adami

2 weeks



4. Endorsement of documents to DSWD FO 2

Rosally Adami

30 min.

GIS, Appl. Form, OSCA ID, proof of birth


5. Distribution of stipend to beneficiaries

Rosally Adami

2 hr/brgy

Transmittal with the above docs. Personal presence of beneficiaries OSCA ID


XII. Educational Assistance Program




Needy Elementary & High School Student




1. Orientation on the program

Jerome G. Castillo/

Rosally A. Adami

1 hour



2. Assessment and validation of beneficiaries

Rosally A. Adami

2 weeks



3. Preparation and compliance to doc. requirements

Rosally A. Adami

3 days



4. Distribution of educational materials

Rosally A. Adami

Ermelinda E Abengana

1 week



XIII. Disaster Program







Families heavily affected by disaster







1. Collation/consolidation of reports

Catherine G. Espinosa/ Maricel C. Caguioa

8 hrs.



2. Assessment and validation

Jerome G. Castillo

Henry C. Come

Rebecca A. Carpiso

Catherine G. Espinosa

Maricel C. Caguioa

16 hrs

case study/ assessment report


3. Formulation of intervention plan

Jerome G. Castillo

Henry C. Come

Rebecca A. Carpiso

Catherine G. Espinosa

Maricel C. Caguioa

8 hrs.

Final consolidated report


4. Procurement of goods





5.Disaster relief distribution


Jerome G. Castillo

Rebecca A. Carpiso

Ermelinda E. Abengana

Maricel C. Caguioa


8 hrs.

Intervention plan


Jerome G. Castillo Ermelinda E. Abengana

Reynaldo C. Ybay

Leila P. Guttierez

32 hrs.

Final list of affected families


6. Provide follow-up/ after care services

Jerome G. Castillo

Henry C. Come

2 hrs/ session

List of clients


Provincial Engineering Office








1. Processing/ issuance of building permit













1. LGU’s without Municipal Engineer



1. Secure application for building permit.




 Mr. Joseph Viola




10 mins.

1. Application for building     permit duly signed by clients      and Engineers/ Architect with dry seal.


2. NGA operating in the province


2. Clients fill-out properly the application form


 Applicant Engineer's/ Architect



2-3 days

2. Five sets of blue print copies      of the detail plans and specifications, General construction specification of the proposed construction duly signed by licensed Engineer/Architect with dry seal.


3. General public including walk-in clients







3. Submit application for building permit together with the 5 sets of blue print copies of the detail plans and specification of the    proposed construction.



Mr. Joseph Viola



10 mins.



3. Tax declaration or TCT of the lot for proposed construction.


4. Review application for building permit

Mr. Joseph Viola


4. Zoning clearance


5. Review detail plans and specifications of the proposed    construction to determine compliance to standards.

Engr. Carlos A. Falces

15 mins.

 5. Official receipt of payment of fees


6. Payment of required fees at the PTO.

Applicant Revenue collection Officer (PTO)

40 hours

6. Height clearance from ATO.


7. Approval and issuance of building permit.

Engr. Carlos A. Falces

30 mins

7. Bill of materials


Mr. Joseph Viola

1 hour



2. Process/ Issuance of certificate of occupancy








1. LGUs without Municipal  Engineer

1. Applicant to request either by verbal request or written request in the office.


Mr. Joseph Viola

3 mins.

1. Certificate of completion signed by the project engineer and duly notarized


2. NGA operating in the province

2. Applicant advice to submit the requirements to support issuance of certificate of occupancy.


Mr. Joseph Viola

3 mins.

2. Daily construction log book

3. As built plan and specification


3. General public including walk-in clients



3. Building code official representative to conduct inspection prior issuance of    certificate of occupancy

Engr. Carlos A. Falces

Authorized Representative


2 hours



4. Certificate of final inspection duly signed by the building official


4. Preparation and issuance of  certificate of occupancy

Engr. Carlos A. Falces  Mr. Joseph Viola

30 mins.



3. Provision of  Engineering services to the LGUs without Municipal Engineers Conduct/ preparation

a.   Site survey

b.  Soil investigation

c.  Engineering/ Architectural Design plans

d.  POW and bill  of materials


1. LGUs without Municipal Engineer

1. Concern office to directly request from this office or through the Provincial Governor either through verbal request, letter or resolution requesting this office for specific engineering services

Provincial Engineer/

Asst. Provincial Engineering and Planning staff

30 days from receipt of request

Verbal request or written letter or resolution from concern Office/LGU detailing thereafter specific engineering services desired, location and other desired information


2. NGA    operating in    the province


  2. Prov’l Gov./Prov’l Engineer to direct Planning Staff to conduct site survey   Soil investigation & preparation of  detail engineering & architectural Plans & specifications including POW & bill of materials





3. Planning staff to conduct surveys, preparation of detail plans, specifications & POW for review& approval of the Prov’l. Engineer   or LCE of concern LGU





4. Equipment rentals
















1. LGU's

1. Concern   office/individual/ organization and personally apply for equipment rentals in the office using a preforma application specifying there at kind of equipment requested, duration of use and specific dates and time when equipment is needed and  kind of work(IEUR and rental bill)


Engr. Rodolfo de Borja/ Processing Clerk






30 mins.




1. Accomplished individual   equipment utilization report         and rental bill (IEUR)


2. NGA's


3. Private individuals


4. Associations

2. Computed dues base on IEUR


3. Photocopy of official receipt as evidence of payment of the rental fee


5. NGO's

4. Trip ticket


6. Contractors, etc.







2. PEO and staff to compute the dues based on the IEUR and rental bill. The applicant to pay the rental fees to the PTO

Engr. Rodolfo de Borja

Revenue Collection Officer (PTO)/



15 mins.





3. The applicant to submit to this office photo copy of O.R. for the payment of rental fees to be attached to the IEUR for approval by the governor.


Engr. Rodolfo de Borja/

Provincial Engineer/

Prov’l. Governor

30 mins.



4. Issuances of trip ticket and IEUR


Engr. De Borja/Driver/Operator and Prov’l. Engineer



1. Approved IEUR and Photocopy of O.R



Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office







1.Request for Quarry Permit (Private and Government Gratuitous only)




1. Secure quarry application form from the ENRO or LGU concerned.

Primo Espinosa and/or other  ENRO personnel

10 mins.

2. Submit filled-out form to the Office of the Municipal Mayor for endorsement.

Municipal Mayor


15 mins.

3. Submit filled-out form and endorsement letter to the ENRO.


ENRO and other Personnel

 15 mins.


4. Assessment and preparation of quarry permit form (the volume shall be based on the availability on the approved assessment of quarry sites of the ENRO).


10-15 mins.

Duly approved
endorsement letter and (for government gratuitous permit) photocopy of approved Program of Work (POW)

5. Submission of the accomplished quarry permit form to the Governor for approval.

Provincial. Governor

1 hr


6. Approved quarry permit
will be recorded and numbered
for controlling Purposes.


ENRO and other Personnel

5 mins.


7. Release of approved quarry permit to the client.


2 mins.


2.Request for Quarry Permit (Commercial Permit only)


1. Secure quarry application form from the ENRO or LGU concerned.

ENRO and other Personnel


10 mins.

2. Submit filled-out form to the Office of the Municipal Mayor for endorsement.

 Municipal Mayor

15 mins.


3. Submit filled-out form and endorsement letter to the ENRO.





4. Assessment and preparation quarry permit form (volume shall be based on the availability on the approved assessment of quarry sites of the ENRO if public area)


ENRO and other Personnel


10-15 mins.


If private lot, photocopy of title of property as proof of ownership

If private lot, assessment report of ENRO on subject lot/property

5. Submit accomplished quarry permit form to the Governor for approval


Provincial Governor            


1 hr

6. Payment of quarry permit fee and taxes.

Client/PTO/MTO concerned

 5 mins.


Payment of sand and gravel tax is in the Municipality where
quarrying will be done

7. Recording and assignment of control number.

ENRO and other personnel


2 mins.

Official Receipt/s

8. Release of duly approved quarry permit to the client

ENRO and other personnel


3. Request for Lot Survey (Lot Relocation or Lot Subdivision for taxation purposes)


1. Secure and fill out application form for lot survey.

ENRO and other Personnel

10 mins.

Lot Number and or photocopy of tax declaration or title of property

2. Issuance of schedule of actual lot survey.

Francis H. Dita

10 mins.

3. Research on the technical       descriptions and preparation of sketch plan/s as basis of lot survey.

Francis H. Dita




3 hrs.





4. Conduct of actual field survey

 ENRO Survey team

1 day

Presence of Representative/s from Office of Municipal Assessor, Barangay Official concerned and Lot Owners adjacent to subject lot to witness the surveying.
Duly approved and filled-out form with payment


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