Annual Report 2014

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The Provincial Government in its effort to bring the government closer to the people by providing the basic services has embarked on various significant development projects, accomplishments that followed project implementation can be observed through the following efforts:


The infrastructure development sector as defined in the Provincial Development Plan of the Province cover all major physical structure that are promotive and supportive of key human concerns for development activities in order to improve the general well-being of the people. Guided by this development framework, this administration continuously implemented key infrastructure projects under our 20% Development fund and fund from various national agencies to the different municipalities of the Province.

For the year, five (5) carry –over infrastructure projects comprising an aggregate  amount of P4.28M funded under the 20% D.F of the Province were completed.  These were the following; Repair of the Provincial capitol building complex in the amount of P0.48M, construction of 1 unit classroom building at Chanarian Barrio School with a total appropriation of P1.0M, Reconstruction of Basco-Songsong Provincial road and bridges at 1.3M, and concreting of Rudluken Junction to Rudluken port Road phase II in the amount of P0.5M.  These projects aims to provide the basic infrastructure support facility for the mobility of people and goods within the Province and to provide a convenient and safe work place  and class room among our workforce and the students as well.


The Provincial Treasurer’s Office focused its operation on Local Revenue Generation and other supporting activities, conformably with the Beareu of Local Government Finance (BLGF) major thrust and priorities. Batanes as fifth class province on the classification depends heavily on Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA). The Percentage of (IRA) is 96% while the Local Sources is 4%.

Considering the primary mandate of the BLGF to provide assistance to Local Government Units (LGU) in stabilizing their finances, the following strategies were undertaken by the Provincial Treasurer’s Office in attaining its objectives:

1. To set collection targets for the Province and the Municipalities and require the Local Treasurers to formulate appropriate Action Plans and Programs for the attainment of their respective targets for Real Property Tax, Fees and Charges and Receipts from Economic Enterprises;

2. To conduct capability building for local treasury to upgrade their technical skills to become more efficient and effective in performing their respective duties and function, and;

3. To monitor the implementation of the Municipal Plans and Programs:

Highlights of our Accomplishment from January to December 2014 were as follows:

  • Revenue Generation Program

The Province including its municipalities attained an overall collection efficiencyof 115.32%representing the total revenue collection of ₱ 35,552,095.04over its total annual target of ₱30,826,863.40from local sources(i.e. Real Property Tax, Business Tax, Fees and Charges, Receipts from Economic Enterprises and Other Receipts)  

  • Statement of Real Property Tax Collection 

The municipalities has an overall collections amounting to ₱8,437,053.28 with corresponding efficiency of  156.82% over the annual target of ₱5,379,764.71.

  • Statement of Business Tax Collection 

Batanes has generated an actual collection amounting to ₱161,659.22 with corresponding efficiency rate of 38.4% over the annual target of ₱420,927.98 while the municipalities has collected a total amount of ₱4,643,896.28 with corresponding efficiency rate of 140.17% over the annual target of ₱4,491,058.46. 

  • Statement of Fees and Charges Collection 

Batanes has generated a total amount of ₱921,073.67 over the allocated target of ₱531,562.71 with corresponding efficiency rate of  173.27%.  The Municipalities has generated an actual collection of ₱6,666,605.99 with corresponding  efficiency rate of  140.17% over the annual target of ₱4,756,037.84. 

  • Statement of Receipts from Economic Enterprises 

The total collections amounting to ₱ 5,674,744.68 over  the Province’s target of ₱6,892,490.23 has a corresponding  efficiency rate of 82.83%.  Actual collections of the municipalities amounting to ₱9,047,061.92 has a corresponding efficiency rate of 108.28% over the target of ₱ 8,355,021.47.


The importance of a well-managed human resources and skilled workforce is seen as an important factor in attaining the goals and objectives of the provincial government and thus contributing to the collective efforts by various sectors to enable our nation to advance. The trend towards competent workforce competing in national as well as global markets has put pressure in us to enhance and upgrade our programs and training systems to meet the complex challenges and changes in workforce patterns, employment opportunities, and workplace organization and practices.

To address the many issues facing the human resources in the PGB, the Human Resource Management & Development Office (HRMDO) was created primarily to oversee and manage various concerns of employees in order to become valuable and indispensable assets in the organization.  Among its major functions are the formulation and implementation of plans and strategies particularly on personnel management; human resource development; and establish and maintain sound personnel programs for the local government unit to promote career development. For the year in review, the HRMDO continued to further improve the services and programs offered and implemented by the Batanes Technical Skills Development Center (BTSDC) as the training arm of the provincial government of Batanes in developing technical skills and manpower  which are an essential components of the human resources of the province.

Although the role of HRMDO in the PGB organization has evolved quite a lot during the last few years, much work has yet to be done. It faces constant challenges, but continues to grow nonetheless and we take it upon ourselves as a challenge that once it has fully evolved, it will become one of the most fundamental departments in the PGB organization – that is, the HRMDO would be the heart of the PGB organization fully contributing towards its growth and in achieving its objectives. 

The following details the accomplishment of the HRMDO for 2014 with respect to its various functions as a vital and important division in the organizational unit of the provincial government.


This is one of the most fundamental roles of the HR department. This is because this function ensures that the PGB organization selects the most skillful and competent person from a sea of applicants interested in a particular position/item. This function involves evaluation of ability and competency of potential employees in relation to what the organization needs and is done in accordance to the staffing needs of the different departments.  The HRMDO believes that if this function is performed well, then the organization will increase value consequently being on the right pathway to achieve its organizational and departmental goals and objectives.  By the end of 2014, the PGB workforce has reached a total of 421 (406 permanent, 4 co-terminus, 1 plantilla, and 10 elective officials). As in the past years, a systematic evaluation of applicants to regular funded positions has been done following prescribed rules and regulations particularly from the Civil Service Commission. Subsequently, orientations were conducted to all new entrants in the government service.

For 2014, a total of nine (9) new employees were hired under original appointments, eight (8) also were promoted, four retired from the service, six were separated from the service by various reasons (transferred and resigned), two were reemployed under coterminous appointment, another two were given temporary appointment, while one was hired under plantilla appointment. 

All original appointments and promotions adhered to the prescribed rules and regulations by the Civil Service Commission from posting and screening to attestation of the employees’ appointment papers. Other personnel actions on employees’ movements handled by the office included reassignments, designation orders, and detail orders of employees to other units. 

The provincial government also hired a total of 3,417 emergency employees in order to provide a base support to its development programs and projects and to provide also additional means of livelihood across all family classifications giving priority to the lower income family groups, skilled workers, and the senior citizens. Periodic orientation was conducted to all emergency employees hired through Job Orders.  

The following chart provides a comparative data on the number of employees hired on Job Order basis and their respective funding sources.  The figures show the total number of employees with original Job Orders and those with renewed Job Orders. 


Employee relations is the HR discipline concerned with strengthening the employer-employee relationship through measuring job satisfaction, employee engagement, and resolving workplace conflict. Dealing with employee problems, concerns, and issues that arise within the organization is an important responsibility of the HRMDO. It is a challenging task for the HR department to make sure that the employees are well motivated to perform their duties and functions. 

One of the major thrusts of the HRMDO is to maintain an efficient and effective workforce in the organization, working on employee benefits, providing mechanisms for incentives and awards, maintaining employee records and files, and imposing discipline and sanctions where applicable. These tasks form a significant portion in the HRMDO’s work pie.

Routine functions which include but not limited to  maintaining the 201 files of every employees; preparation of step increments; processing of leave applications, job orders, leave monetizations, and other employee benefits are described quantitatively in the succeeding paragraphs and table.  

The HRMDO office also assisted and acted on various requests or applications for employee benefits from partner agencies (GSIS, Pag-Ibig, Civil Service Commission, etc.) not only of PGB employees but also requests and or applications of clients from other government agencies including pensioners in the province. Such benefits include accrual of pension, survivorship benefits, burial benefits, resumption of pension, maturity of policy contract, insurances, educational plans, and other loans. More than 212 individuals were provided assistance as per records in the Public Assistance and Complaints Desk logbook. To reduce expenses on expensive fares, the HRMDO also provided assistance to its newly hired and promoted employees by bringing to their doorsteps the services of the National Bureau of Investigation for the necessary clearances for their appointments. 

The HRMDO also conducted counseling and leveling-off with employees with grievances and conciliated internal disputes among employees within the organization. Disciplinary actions were imposed to erring employees after due process has been done. Three (3) PGB employees were issued suspension orders for violating existing rules and regulations although two of the three suspensions took effect only in January 2015. The office also issued various memoranda and reminders to offices and concerned employees when compliance to Civil Service rules and other related laws merit issuance of the same. 

The office also partnered and collaborated with the GSIS in attending to clients with concerns on the various services offered by the latter. A total 259 government employees were assisted in their enrollment for UMID cards; validation of over-the-counter loan applications; processing of applications for retirement, maturity, survivorship benefits; and releasing  of temporary E-cards and UMID cards. The HRMDO also assisted in the validation of old-age pensioners from the different municipalities. 

Moreover, the HRMDO reviewed the Individual Performance and Commitment Review (IPCR’s) of every employee and the Office Performance Commitment Review (OPCR’s) of every office/department. The IPCRs and OPCRs were then consolidated to form our agency’s Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) manual, the HRMDO being a member of the committee. Subsequently, the PGB SPMS manual was sent to the Civil Service Commission for review and perusal which the Commission has already approved for pilot testing. 

The HRMDO also required all departments to submit their respective staffing patterns projected for a minimum of five years, their proposed positions of which are meant to strengthen areas in their department that they perceived to be weak and or needing additional manpower complement. After the HRMDO reviewed and consolidated the staffing patterns, they were subsequently endorsed to the Office of the SangguniangPanlalawigan for adoption and passage of ordinance for the creation of the positions as mandated under the Local Government Code. 

In addition, the HRMDO reviewed and consolidated the different department’s Citizen’s Charter as required by Republic Acts 9485 and 7160 or the Ant-Red Tape Act of 2007 and the Local Government Code of 1991 respectively. Likewise, all PGB officials and employees’ Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (SALNs) were also reviewed, consolidated, and submitted to the Civil Service Commission and the Office of the Ombudsman in compliance to existing laws requiring submission of the same.  


Employers must provide employees with the tools necessary for their success which, in many cases, means giving new employees extensive orientation training to help them transition into a new organizational culture. Professional development opportunities were initiated for employees looking for promotional opportunities or employees who want to achieve personal goals such as finishing a college or masters degree. Programs such as tuition assistance and tuition reimbursement programs often are within the purview of the HR training and development area. Development of employee skills, providing training to help employees gain new job skills, and motivating employees are part of the functions of the human resources development department.

Almost all employees, even those that are highly educated or skilled, require some level of training because each organization runs things in a different way. Policies and procedures need to be firmly communicated to employees as part of their on-boarding process. The HR management system is also responsible for ongoing employee development. All these activities improve employees' job skills in their current positions and equip them with skills and expertise for cross-functional work and multi-tasking that can increase their value to the organization.

For the year in review, besides sending employees of the PGB to trainings and seminars in the mainland, the HRMDO also coordinated, facilitated, and partnered with other agencies and LGUS in the conduct of trainings in the province to attract more participants thereby benefitting more employees who shall in turn use their skills and knowledge acquired to attain and achieve their objectives and targets. 

The following are the trainings and seminars conducted in the province in 2014 where the HRMDO staff and other employees of the PGB attended and participated: 1) Strategic Performance Management System; 2) Capability Enhancement Training on the Overseas Employment Program; 3) Seminar on Basic Records Management & National Inventory of Recods; 4) Seminar on Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program in Government Offices/Agencies; 5) Seminar Workshop on Administrative Procedures; 6) Delivery of Excellent Service Through Integrity, Guidance, and Nobleness Towards Anti-Red Tape Survey (DESIGN-ARTS); and 7) Gender Sensitivity Training

Likewise, some of the HRMDO staff were also sent to the following trainings, seminars, and conferences in the mainland in line with their respective functions in the office. 

Similarly, in our efforts to give opportunity to PGB employees to grow intellectually and academically, and believing that a continuing education keeps employees' skills and knowledge fresh to they bring in new and innovative ideas to the workplace, the HRMDO proposed a Continuing Education Program to grant Masteral courses or degree to qualified and deserving employees and officials of the Provincial Government. An initial fund of P500,000.00 was appropriated for the purpose. However, after a series of consultations and tedious coordination, it was only in the late part of the year that a resolution was passed (Annex A) authorizing the Governor to enter into a tripartite agreement with the Cagayan State University and the Batanes State College as partners in the implementation of the program. With the all the documentary requirements complied and the program now in place, it is hoped that the program will be in full-swing this 2015 and that the employee beneficiaries become more effective and competent servants of the people. 


For 2014, the Batanes Technical Skills Development Center, the skills training and development arm of the PGB, focused on further developing the training center in response to the deficiencies stated in the compliance audit report which is periodically conducted in order to determine as to whether the TVET Institutions like the BTSDC, are regularly and religiously complying requirements as prescribed by the Training Regulations. As in the previous years, graduates from our training programs provided them the necessary skills and knowledge to compete in the global market. The trainings provided the necessary qualifications to those who applied for employment both locally and abroad, and has significantly broadened the pool of human resources of the province.  

Training on First Aid and Basic Life Support was also conducted in partnership with the Provincial Health Office to all trainees enrolled in the different programs of BTSDC as part of promoting safety in the workplace and in relation to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) standards.

Before the year ended, the HRDMO sent its in-house trainers and assessors at the BTSDC for benchmarking at the TESDA Central Office and TESDA Women’s Center in Taguig. This is in preparation for the plans to further improve the workstations of the programs/courses offered by the training center as it gears being a state-of-the art training facility. This is also in anticipation of the influx of enrollees from the high school with the implementation of the K-12 program of DepEd. 

Employment Tracking and Monitoring of TVET Graduates

The measure of an effective TVET program implementation rests on the capabilities of the graduates to utilize the acquired skills by looking for jobs/work after training. The BTSDC was able to monitor and tracked the employment of its graduates from its different qualifications or training program offerings. To date, a total of 798 graduates were tracked who were hired on permanent positions, job orders, or under contracts on wage employment.

Others were hired abroad while still some were engaged in self-employment. 

The BTSDC management has also requested the Sanggunian Panlalawigan Office (SPO) to pass resolutions and ordinances relating to the operations of the center. After passing an ordinance institutionalizing the Batanes Technical Skills Development Center last year, the SPO passed Ordinance No. 110, series of 2014 titled “An Ordinance Extending the Coverage of the Educational Assistance Program of the PGB by Including Educational Subsidy on Enrolment and Training Fees of the Batanes Training (Technical) and Skills Development Center” (Annex B). However, the grading system and qualification standards used in TVET education and program do not conform with the provisions the provisions of Ordinance No. 81, series of 2011 or the “Ordinance Defining the Educational Assistance Program of the Provincial Government of Batanes”, a separate ordinance was passed in December 2014 adopting the the provisions and guidelines of TESDA’s Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) on the qualification, restrictions of, and grading system of the BTSDC under the Educational Assistance Program (Annex C) earlier mentioned. 


The Provincial Government of Batanes through the HRMDO, remained steadfast in its commitment to support every family’s dream for a diploma. Believing that education is worth investing for, the provincial government continued to provide assistance to all qualified deserving student. One remarkable development on the educational assistance program of the PGB is the passage of an ordinance (Annex B) expanding the coverage of the program, this time, to include those who opted to enroll in technical-vocational courses as they all may eventually become part of the human resources of the province in the future.

For 2014, the HRMDO continuously accepted, screened, and processed applications for educational assistance among college students. A total of twenty five (25) college students were granted financial assistance last year – 23 from the Saint Dominic College and two from Batanes State College. The number of beneficiaries from SDC increased while those from BSC decreased which may be attributed to the numerous scholarship and educational assistance extended to the school being a state college. The financial/educational assistance covers tuition fees, books and other allowances, including miscellaneous fees.


The HRMDO strived to accomplish assigned or delegated tasks on events and or activities involving the provincial government where the office’s services were needed. It provided assistance to the Civil Service Commission during the conduct of both CSC Sub-Professional and Professional Examinations including the orientation of the proctors. 

CSC 114th Anniversary Fun Run

The HRMDO was instrumental in spearheading a Fun Run  in celebration of the 114th  Civil Service Anniversary dubbed R.A.C.E. to Serve Fun Run  where the proceeds accrued to the PamanangLahi Para saLingkodBayani program of the Commission. All government agencies were invited to participate and be one for a noble cause. Cash prizes were awarded to the top three runners to reach the finish line, both men and women category.  

Organization of the Batanes Council of HRM Practitioners

It was also during the anniversary celebration that Certificates of Eligibilities were awarded by the Commission to all who passed the previous CSC Sub and Professional Examinations; and the organization of the  Batanes Council of Human Resource Management Practitioners (MC No. 38, series of1990) with its set of officers: President - Ana Marie A. Rosas; Vice-President (National) - Ricardo A. Nunez;  Vice-President (Local) - Haydee Marie A. Bunod; Secretary - Pinky C. Villeta; Treasurer - Susan Aga; Business Manager - Rita H. Cultura; PRO - Rober Zureta; and Auditor - Teodoro A. Redondo

Establishment of OWWA Migrants Desk

The Provincial Government also forged a Memorandum of Agreement (Annex D) with the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration on the establishment of OWWA Migrants Desk to be installed in the HRMDO with the objective of providing immediate and appropriate assistance to OFWs and their families residing in the province.

Livelihood Assistance to BTSDC TVET Graduates

The HRMDO also assisted in organizing unemployed graduates from the tourism related courses of the BTSDC and subsequently provided livelihood activities for the group. This move of the office aims to provide alternative sources of income among our graduates and to inculcate to them the value of hard work and self-reliance to become less dependent on part-time jobs from the government. The group were engaged in various incomegenerating activities like organic farming, souvenir-making items, tour guiding services, and food processing.  The Provincial Agriculture Office supported this endeavor by providing free quality seeds to the organization. 

Finally, the human resource management and development must be viewed through the prism of overall strategic goals for the organization instead of a standalone tint that takes a unit based on a micro approach. Adopting a holistic perspective towards HRM ensures that there are no piecemeal strategies and the HRM policies must be enmeshed fully with those of the organizational goals. Unless the management of the human resources is designed in this way, the organization stands to become unproductive from not utilizing people fully and this does not bode well for the success of the organization.


The province thru the Provincial Health Office remained steadfast in attaining our primordial target to provide support to widen coverage for the “Kapanidungan sa Kalusugan” (KSK) Program, socialize health insurance system to which the insured or his/her beneficiary/ies enjoy free out-patient benefits ranges from medicines, diagnostics, laboratories and admission. To date, the program has 613 members with total collection of 499,548.00 and availments amounted to 191,514.01.

Similarly important activity undertaken by the office were the following; the implementation of the nutrition program of the province where  100% or all the 1683 0-71 month old target population woke weighted and provided with vit. A supplement related activities such as demonstrating oral check-up, ferrous sulfate supplementation, salt testing, etc. were also conducted.

Environmental sanitation program were also equally pursued. Activities such as vector control search and destroy for mosquito were conducted in 4 barangays. This is done to contain campaign, info dissemination and radio broadcasting were also conducted in support to this program.

We had also conducted training in basic life support for laymen where about 375 participated for the 10 sessions completed for the year. This aimed to capacitate individual to respond for emergency cases in time of disaster or accident/calamities. Other equally important training conducted were the national tuberculosis control program – MOP, primary eye career training, mobilization of communication support group and the basic training for community health teams.

Under the capability building program of the office, about 8 various trainings which includes trainer’s training, team building, and management of different diseases among others were likewise attended to. This aims to capacitate our workforce with the needed skills to attain/achieve the objective and targets of the office. Information and education campaign on healthy lifestyle and orientation to the different health frontline program of the office were also undertaken.

The Itbayat District Hospital which is under the direct supervision of the PHO was also provided with full logistics and manpower support this year, a total of 446 admission were recorded and about 2629 out-patients were served and provided with appropriate medical care, surgical, delivery and dietary services are among the major services provided in the hospital.

In support to the various program of the DOH which directly in line with the millennium   development goals of the national government, the province thru the same office continuously forged, pursue and execute collective development approach towards achieving  this goal. Below shows the tabulated accomplishment of the office this year 2014.


The Social Welfare and Development and Development Office (SWDO), the implementing arm of the Provincial Government by virtue of its mandate, that is to promote the general welfare of the people of Batanes particularly the disadvantaged and the marginalized group continuously  develop, adopt and implement various program and activities together with the different local government units in order to attain our goal to improve economic and social condition or our people, Salient of our accomplishment this year 2014 were as follows:

The office facilitated the conduct of Re-orientation and training Workshop on Social Technology, Human rights, Anti trafficking in person, the National Household targeting system for Poverty Reduction as well as the Philippine Youth Development Index focusing on identifying and inventory of gaps in programs and services for the youth. Revisiting of the devolved and retained SWD programs services was undertaken with the MSWDOs and Daycare worker. This aims at arriving in a common understanding of policies, procedures/processes and approaches to properly handle clients. Updates on the trainings attended were likewise shared in the said reorientation.

In compliance to the standards and policies set by DSWD to ensure the effectiveness in the implementation of the Day Care Service, the office conducted quarterly visits to all Day Care Centers and Day Care Workers. The visits included the inventory of facilities, equipments and learning materials mandatory to be present in a functional center. For the year, all of the 25 Daycare Centers were visited and it is noteworthy to report that all of them had complied with the basic requirements or the MUST of a center. Assessment and provision of Technical Assistance was also undertaken to the workers and improvement was also notable. To further capacitate them, enhancement training was also undertaken in collaboration to DSWD F.O 2. All of them attended to the said training to include 4 MSWDO which serves as their immediate supervisor. Trainers and facilitators are from DSWD FO II and PSWDO respectively.    

Another equally important PPT’s implemented and accomplished by the office were the following:

  • Aid to Individual Crisis – This program aims to provide immediate assistance to families and individual to be able to cope with crisis situation, categorize as medical, transportation and burial assistance. For 2014, 363 families/ individual benefited from the program, with a total expenditure of ₱ 2,009,843.00 with medical as the most cases, 343, transportation 10 and burial 7. Noteworthy to report the augmentation of DSWD F.O 2 amounting to P 913,443.00 under the Crisis Intervention Program.
  • Cash for work – This aim at providing temporary employment to the needy families and individual affected by Typhoon Odette. This was implemented with the municipal and Barangays who provided the list of the recipients and DSWD who provided the funding support amounting to P 3,208,800.00. A total of 840 beneficiaries who availed the program. Work done includes street and drainage cleaning     
  • Food Assistance Program – This is the provision of food assistance to the neediest clients recommended by the Municipalities through their Social Welfare offices. Under food subsidy, 60 indigents were assisted and 1,531 were recipient of the food incentive  in December with corresponding expenditure amounting to P124,655.92 and P1,903,360.00 respectively. Twenty (20) schools were likewise provided food assistance to augment logistical requirement of a notable school activities such as encampment and sports competitions.
  • Supplemental Feeding Program – This was implemented in coordination with the Provl./Municipal Nutrition Council. It aims at addressing malnutrition among Pre school Children (PSC) in the province. For 2014, the implementation was concentrated in the municipality of Basco having the most number of cases, 14. The program is still continuing with a total disbursement of P 97,510.00. Except for Basco, DSWD F.O 2 provided funding support for Mass feeding of Day care Children. 
  • Educational assistance Program –This is the provision of basic school supplies to neediest elementary and high school students. For the year the program covered one hundred twenty four students. School supplies distributed include bag, writing pads, notebook, ballpen, pencil, crayon and rulers. Allocation per student varied per grade or year level and was based on actual need. The total allocation for the program was P 100,000.00 with the total disbursement of P 98,187.00.
  • Social Pension availment – This is the provision of five hundred pesos (P500.00) per month pension to indigent Senior Citizens (SC) by DSWD, through the office and municipalities. Primary objective of the program is to augment capacity of the indigent Senior Citizen meet daily subsistence and basic medical requirements. Recipients were recommended by the municipalities and were endorsed by the office. A total of 796 against 343 in 2013 are continuously enjoying the program. Disbursement was pegged at P3,581,000.00.            
  • Livelihood Program – The office is continuously assisting individual, families as well groups who are interested to undertake livelihood utilizing the Self Employment Assistance sa Kaunlaran or SEA-K scheme, an interest free loan payable for 2 years. For the year, 7 groups (with 5 members) were organized,  and provided with seed capital amounting to ₱175,000.00, while eight (8) walk in clients who opted to undertake individual projects were likewise accommodated, and granted P10,000.00 seed capital each. Funding of these projects is from the revolving fund of PDAF, PSWDO-Regular Fund & Ivatan East Coast Associations donation. Monitoring and collection of repayments from recipients was done. Based on the approved amortization schedule for 2014, the total collectibles was ₱ 199,099.40. Actual collection was ₱ 159,660.25 or of 80%. Deficiency in the collection is being attributed to the default of one group whose project was Sari Sari store which was ransack by thieves, they are however aware of their obligation and that technical assistance and  constant follow up is now being done.
  • Disaster Relief program and Response –Aside from the regular calamity fund where the office  could withdraw at any given time financial support to respond to the immediate needs of affected families, the office was able to access food commodities from DSWD F.O 2 which were preposition to the different municipalities to strengthen their response capability. Goods includes 300 sacks of NFA rice, 55 boxes Sardines, 91 boxes meatloaf and 95 boxes of sausage with the corresponding monetary value of P 858,672.00   
  • Court Related Cases

8.1- Adoption – R.A 8552 mandated the DSWD as well the local Social Welfare and Development Office to conduct social case study report, on all adoption cases to ascertain the proper placement of every child subject to adoption. For 2014, there were 2 court referrals, documentation is still in progress. Meanwhile, 2 cases are for the issuance of consent by the DSWD and the other 2 are the issuance of certification of eligibility for adoption. Two appearances in court relative to the cases were also complied with.

8.2 Domestic Violence – The office acted upon on eleven (11) cases of Domestic violence brought to our attention. Services provided include home visitation, individualized and family counseling and conferencing, provision immediate assistance for relief and referral to proper authorities. Monitoring visits were likewise undertaken to determined status and situation of the clients.    

8.3 Children in Need of Special Protection (CNSP) – For 2014, the office assisted 11 children under this category, nine (9) of which are reported delinquent while 3 are child abuse cases. Counselling sessions was done to the reported delinquent clients with their parents, 1 was eventually referred/recommended for institutionalization while the rest were returned to their respective families. For the child abuse cases, services provided includes protective custody, counseling and referral..   

  • Permits and Travel Clearance for minors travelling abroad.  This is a facilitative function of the office, to assess documents and forward them to DSWD field Office further review & consideration and or approval. For 2014, three (3) applications for travel clearance were facilitated with favorable recommendation and were consequently approved by the DSWD Field Office. For solicitation permit, all applications received were referred to concern LGU, while their coverage was within the municipalities hence are within the authority of the Municipal Mayors per the LGC of 1991 and Memorandum Circular No. 2, S of 1999.



Improved productivity to attain food security and sufficiency of major agricultural commodity to stabilize price and increase income of farmers remained to top priority of this administration. For this year, salient of our accomplishment were as follows;


Twenty Two (22) Vegetable production sites with an aggregate area of 3.96 hectares were continuously developed and maintained. These projects are implemented provincewide wherein the provincial government provides the needed technical and financial support. During the twelve (12) months period, the aggregate volume of organic vegetables produced was recorded at 18,584.66 kilograms or 18.58 MT.

Since the said production farms are privately owned, a sharing arrangement was effected wherein the land owners are shared with one third or 30% of the total produce while the government retains two third or 70%. All government shares were marketed at the PLGU-DA assisted Barangay Food Terminals (BFT’s) in every municipality. Its prices are relatively lower as pricing is based on the suggested retail prices determined by the office.

Every production farm also serves as show window for farmers on doable technologies and showcases new farming innovations. Method and result demonstrations were also conducted in these farms where farmers group whether invited or walk-in were introduced to the technologies showcased within the farm. Actual demonstrations on improved cropping practices were also conducted depending on farmer’s needs.


The “Gulayan sa Barangay” Program is envisioned to boost vegetable production in the province. It promotes and enhances the production of a specific high value vegetable in each municipality. Every municipality was assigned/allocated a specific high-value vegetable to produce on a larger scale. This crop zoning approach further aims that each municipality would sustain a level of self-sufficiency on a particular commodity and that market competition for surpluses will be avoided specially during the peak of vegetable harvest season.

During the twelve (12) months period, an aggregate area of 2.125 hectares were continuously developed and maintained with a recorded production of 11.4 metric tons.

The sharing scheme is 70/30 ratio where the land owner retains 30% of the produce as share of the land while the 70% becomes the share of the government. All government shares were sold at DA-PLGU established “Food Terminals” in every municipality.


The office supports the massive production of mungbean owing to its high demand as a popular vegetable serving in the province. This protein-rich food is easy to grow with only few months of production cycle. 

However, the projected production was not attained with an output of only 318.99 kilograms from a combined area of 3.02 hectares. The low production was attributed to the adverse effect of the prolonged dry spell that occurred from the onset of planting in January until the harvest months in June 2014.


The FAITH program or Food Always In The Home project is a production strategy to sustain a year-round availability of ready to cook fresh organic vegetables within the family backyard. Each family-co-operator tends to at least 50 square meters garden or may opt to engage in pot gardening project within his home vicinity. This allows the involvement and actual experience of family members especially the school-aged children in the care and maintenance of their own family garden.

The PLGU provides the planting needs of the proponents and regularly renders technical assistance to the 200 farmer-beneficiaries provincewide.

During the Twelve (12) months period, the project generated a collective production of 8.65 metric tons from a total production area of 1.57 hectares covering the whole province.

Project Assessment on Vegetable Production Program

In Summary, the Vegetable Production Projects initiated and supported by the PLGU (government-managed, “Gulayan sa Barangay”, FAITH and Mungo Production)collectively produced a total of 38.96 metric tons of organically grown vegetables during the Twelve (12) months period representing 6.25% of the annual vegetable requirement in the province.

The projected production and desired yields were not attained since harvests (1st cropping) were adversely affected by the prolonged dry spell that occurred from early January 2014 until the later part of June 2014.


The office is implementing the Intensified Garlic Production Program with the end-goal of contributing towards the establishment of a sustainable and competitive garlic industry in the Province. Garlic is extensively promoted being the only cash and export crop for the province.

The total production derived from the project (planted in 2013 and harvested in 2014) was recorded at 12,895 kilograms. The project involves three (3) production schemes. The 1st scheme provides opportunity for the farmer-proponent to be employed for two and a half months to produce garlic in an area of not less than 800 sq. mtrs,. Sharing of produce is 30% for the proponent and 70% for the government. The 2nd is a dispersal scheme where the proponent only returns the equivalent volume of planting materials he/she obtained from the government. the 3rd scheme is the “government managed” where the government will lease privately owned lands for garlic production. The sharing system is 30/70 ratio where the land owner gets 30 percent while the government retains the 70 percent. The government share derived from this program shall be utilized as planting materials for the next cropping season.


One major activity of the office is to ensure the availability and continuous supply of vegetable seedlings that caters to the planting needs of farmers and as planting materials in the various OPA- implemented food production projects

Presently, the office develops and maintains a provincial seedling nursery that handles the production and propagation of vegetable seedlings and fruit tree planting materials. Quality vegetable seedlings stocks are also produced/propagated at the various Government-Managed production farms to augment the planting needs of interested farmers in the whole province.

During the Twelve (12) months period, a total of 104,943 pieces of assorted vegetable seedlings and 6,696 packets of repacked vegetable seeds were distributed to 1,818 farmer-clients provincewide. 250,000 pieces sweet potato cuttings were also distributed to 175 farmer-beneficiaries.


1.  FARM TRACTOR OPERATIONS - Tractor services were continuously extended to farmers without cost. During the Twelve (12) months period, an aggregate area of 7.24 hectares was served with tractor services (clearing, plowing and rotavation/harrowing services) involving 29 farmer clients.

2.  PROVISION OF POST-HARVEST FACILITY (Garlic Storage House) - Two (2) Units Garlic storage houses were established to cater the post-harvest needs of garlic growers in the Municipalities of Basco and Uyugan. These storage houses were designed to adopt the indigenous practice of storing and preserving garlic seed bulbs that would lengthen its shelf life. It is the objective of this project to reduce the post-harvest losses which would translate into higher income on the part of the farmers. Interested garlic growers could avail of the storage services without cost.


The following activities were conducted by this section during the twelve (12) months period:

a. Conducted research study on Validation and documentation of Organic Production Systems for Upland Rice and Vegetables.

b. Prepared research proposal entitled “Identification and Characterization of locally available plants for the production of organic pesticides”.

c. Represented the province in the zonal training on upland Rice-Based farming systems (upland palamayan) for Agricultural Extension Workers conducted by DA-ATI 02.

d. Facilitated organic agriculture training cum expository tour of Ivana Organic Vegetable Farmers in La Trinidad Benguet, sponsored by DA-ATI 01.

e. Acted as resource person in the conduct of training course on Good Agricultural practices on garlic production for garlic producer provincewide.

f. Conducted method demo on preparation and utilization of botanical pesticides and organic fertilizer.

g. Assisted DA-BAR and Mag-Agri tayo staff in the documentation of organic farming systems for upland and coastal area in the province under (CPAR) Community-based Participatory Action Research Project.

h. Conducted regular quarantine services and or on-board inspection of shipped-in agricultural products to inbound cargo vessels.

i. Maintained the operation of the Organic Fertilizer Production Facility


For the period January to December 2014, this section has the following accomplishments to wit;

a. Facilitated the trading of 14 metric tons of fresh organic garlic from the Itbayat Garlic Growers Multi-Purpose Cooperative (IGGMPC) to VIEVA Marketing Corporation.

b. Participated in the 12th Philippine Food Expo held at the World Trade Center, Pasay City where Batanes Organic Products were displayed for promotion and market linkage. Five (5) institutional buyers signified their interest in buying fresh organic garlic on regular basis.(market negotiations are on-going)

c. Regularly supervised and monitored the implementation/operation of Barangay Food Terminals (BFT) in every municipality.


This section has the following salient accomplishments during the twelve (12) months period to wit;

a. Conducted food processing (tomato & Garlic products) demonstrations attended by 110 homemakers and Rural Improvement Club members held in the municipalities of Basco, Ivana and Uyugan.

b. Conducted food processing and demonstration on tocino, skinless longanisa, fish longanisa and garlic chips attended by rural women and other members of the Local Council for Women in Sabtang  and Itbayat.

c. Conducted/coordinated the week long Agri-Fair and “PINAKA” contest on major agricultural products as one of the major activity during the 231st Batanes Day Founding Celebration held June 26 to July 2, 2014.  The ten (10) major crops, livestock and fishery products of the province were contested where 180 farmers participated.

d. Facilitated and acted as resource person in the conduct of training on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for Garlic growers in every Municipality

e. Facilitated the conduct of briefing and turn over ceremony to the new management of the Barangay Food Terminal in Sinakan, Sabtang


a. Participated in the Planning Workshop entitled “Charting the Future: Development of a Climate Proof Provincial Agriculture and Fisheries Strategic Plan (2015-2020)” held at Rural Development Education Center (RDEC), ATI-Diliman, Quezon City where a Six (6) years “Batanes Climate Proof Provincial Agriculture and Fisheries Strategic Plan” will be prepared and submitted within a year after the said Planning Workshop.

b. Participated in the various Planning Workshops relative to the preparation and crafting of the Provincial Commodity Investment Plan. Said investment plan is focused on the preparation of a six (6) years commodity investment plan to develop the garlic industry in the province.

c. Facilitates the regular submission of agro-fishery investment proposals for both Local and National Government funding.


In order that a realistic fishery data be obtain, the office started its local fish assessment last September, 2012. The office hired 8 fishery enumerators, one for each municipality except for Basco and Sabtang which has 2 enumerators each, and one statistician/fishery encoder. Fish Production to be reported will be that of Year 2013 as have been done before those preceding years where production in the past year was reported. The production value was generated using data generated by the local fishery stock assessment and the BFAR Fishery enumerators and processed by the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS). The total Fish production for Year 2013 is 1,035.56MT showing a slight drops of 0.093% from 1,130.21MT of Year 2012.  Although there is a slight drop in production, fish supply in Batanes is still above the minimum requirement needed and fish sufficiency level is at 178.19%. However, projects were undertaken to help ensure the continuity of supply. The 2014 fish production data will be release by the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS) by 1st Quarter of 2015.

As of December, 2014, there are 8 enumerators hired and 1 Data Encoder. All data generated by the local fishery stock assessment project of the Provincial Agriculturist Office will be submitted and verified by the Philippine Statistics Authority- Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (PSA_BAS).


Since the province is surrounded with vast marine waters, the main focus is on the provision of fishing inputs among marginalized fishermen groups in order to increase fish catch along with their income. For Fiscal Year 2014, Several Projects was proposed but due to the limited fund of the Provincial LGU, all of them were not funded except for the program of Data Generation. However, together with the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resort (BFAR), the following programs and projects were implemented:

1. Lay-in project for Lobster for Itbayat in the identifying of fishermen beneficiaries and subsequently the construction of cages. This concept involves the buying of live lobster that are berried for P700.00/kg. This berried lobster shall be caged and then subsequently again resold after they laid their eggs. 30 participants each training.

a. 4 units of cages

b. 25 beneficiaries

2. Net-Mending Training for 30 Fisherfolk for in Uyugan

a. Splicing

b. Simple Mending

3. Gillnet Construction Training to Inmates of the BLMP – This training was under of the BJMP in order to equip them with skills needed to prepare them for a livelihood project when they should have already served their time in jail.


1. 10,000 pcs. tilapia fingerlings dispersed.

2. Tilapia juveniles (1-2 inches in length) dispersed.


1. Fabrication of Mini solar dryer for drying fish. Capacity of 75 pieces.

2. Experimental Salt Making Project using canvass beds. Production of 7kgs per 200 liters of seawater.

3. Food Preparation Demo to 60 Women (Mothers of malnourished children and housewives of fishermen)

a. Fish Sausage and Fish Patties


1. Conducted quarantine services at the airport and confiscated endangered species (tatus) and subsequently released them in the wild.

2. Conducted quarantine services at the Basco Seaport whenever a ship arrived.

3. Conducted land/shore patrol.


1. The 4 personnel of the PAO Fishery Section attended various Seminars and workshop

a. Seafarers’ Course conducted by MARINA

b. Fisheries 5-year Development Plan – BFAR

c. Marine Mammals Stranding Network – BFAR

d. 2014 Fisheries Planning Workshop – BFAR

e. Seminar/Workshop on Administrative Discipline – CSC

f. BAS Fisheries Data Presentation and Review

g. Value Chain Analysis – ISU

h. Energy Conservation – DOE.

2. Conducted search for Gawad Saka Outstanding Achievers, Fish Capture Category

 a. Amando Rarela Galena – Selected as the 2013 Outstanding Fisherfolk. Fish Capture Category. Nominated for the regional search but unluckily did not win.


This Project which was started in September, 1997 aims to determine the production capability of the province. In order that enumerators that are the principal gatherers of data, periodic training and assessment were conducted. As of this date, there are 6 enumerators hired, 12 landing being data gathered in the six municipalities. That is 2 landing sites per municipality.

The office started its local fish assessment last September, 2012 and still continuing to the present.


Working closely within our mandate that is to accelerate livestock and poultry production that will ultimately contribute liberally towards economic development andnutritional needs of the province. Among the regular activities and vasic services or our office provides in accordance with the aforementioned mandate includes technology transfer and extension services, genetic improvement, livestock dispersal, animal health management, regulatory and quarantine, research and post harvest technology.

Aligned with the foregoing programs and activities, I wish to highlight our salient accomplishments for the Year 2014 which we deem are worth mentioning, to wit:

For technology transfer and extension services, this office in partnership with the Department of Agriculture and Municipal Government Units, we were able tosustain the following techno-demo projects: Vuhus Organic Cattle Production, Uyugan Poultry Breeding Project, Ivana Integrated Project, Basco Goat Production Project and the Integrated and Organic Small and Large Ruminants Production in Batanes Breeding Station, Itbayat. Also, for this year, we have started our Techno-Demo for Organic Goat Production in Uyugan. Series of trainings and field visits have been conducted in these techno-demo sitesto show-case and educate farmers and agriculture extension workers for their adoption.

In our genetic improvement services, Artificial Insemination (AI) which is still the safest and most economical way of upgrading existing breeds of livestock in the provincemarked a significant decline in terms of accomplishment from an average of 60% last year to only 20% this year based on the target. The said decline was attributed to the interruption of flights of Northsky Airline this year.  It was only in the late quarter of 2014 when this Airline resumed their flight and the Skypasada allowed to carry our semen tank which is loaded by Liquid Nitrogen (LN2).  Nevertheless, we used the best breed of cattle and goat to increase our breeder base genetics for dairy animals.

Our poultry breeding-redispersal program is likewise maintained and we were able to upgrade about 60-70 percentof the existing genetics of poultry in the locality. To complement our dispersal program and to address the problems we experienced in the previous year regarding financial capital of farmer-recipients, we strengthened the provision of soft loan especially to swine raisers who have limited capital on the purchase of feeds and other inputs. Through this program, we were able to contribute for the high sufficiency level of pork this year and could ensure for a higher sufficiency level for the succeeding years. It should be noted that among the different livestock commodities, swine sector contributes the biggest meat supply requirement in the locality.

Animal Health management and basic husbandry activities is the most sought services by our farmers.  This comprises 70-80% of the work schedule of our technical personnel in a day-to-day basis. Bulk of the activity includes among others deworming, vitamin and mineral supplementation, preventive treatment, castration, blood sampling for disease surveillance and vaccination.These efforts from our technical staff contributed much to the preservation of our freedom from priority and economically important animal diseases ( FMD, Hog Cholera, PRRS, PED etc.) as well as zoonotic animal diseases (like  Rabies, Bird Flu and Swine Flu).

For regulatory and quarantine services, this office continued the conductof  dialogues, advocacy orientations or briefings to partner agencies, shipping vessel operators, meat importers and handlers to discuss and inform policies and regulation regarding biosecurity measures being implemented at seaport and airport in accordance to the enforcement of E.0. # 11, series of 2011-Sustained Ban on the Importation of Livestock especially Cloven-footed Animals, their Fresh Meat and Semi-Processed /Uncooked Meat Products and By-products. This regulation aims to protect our marginal farmers from production losses brought about by the possible entry of highly devastating animal diseases due to importation of infected or contaminated animals and their meat products from Mainland Luzon. Our quarantine personnel counterpart from Department of Agriculture - Regional Field Office 02 conducts regular inspection at the airport and our staff conducts spot inspection at the seaport to countercheck compliance of the abovementioned Executive Order.

Lastly, for the research and post-harvest technology, our office facilitated the construction of the Basco Modern Slaughterhouse which would boost the livestock industry in the province.  This meat facility is equipped with processing equipment to address the increasing demand for processed meat products.  In line with these, we have conducted series of trainings on meat processing to various stakeholders as a preparation to the operation of the slaughterhouse and the meat processing plant.  Also recently, the National Meat Inspection Service conducted training on Good Hygienic Slaughtering Practices to our Meat Inspectors and Technicians in the province.

With the dedication and commitment of all staff in the Provincial Veterinary Office, laudable and significant accomplishments were realized.  Likewise, because of the collective efforts with our partners in the Department of Agriculture and Municipal Government of Itbayat, we have again an achiever in the Regional GAWAD-SAKA Award 2014 for the category of Outstanding Large Animal Raiser in the person of Mr. Enrique Estoy.

Anent with the foregoing accomplishments, I want to recognize and acknowledge the contribution of every officials and employees in the Provincial Government of Batanes headed by you Honorable Governor, because we believe, without your usual  support to our programs we never accomplished these much.  Above all, to our Almighty God for all the blessings He bestowed upon us.


The idea of the tourism industry being one of the biggest industries in the world was felt more heavily in Batanes this year as the tourist arrival tripled for the first time compared to previous years. The local players under the tourism value chain rapidly increased as the demand for the basic needs of visitors increased almost uncontrollably during our peak months from March to May.  Every sector were left faced with problems mostly due to the limited supply of services such as number of vehicles and boats for tour, rooms, tour guides, tourist drivers, and variety of food supply.

The role of the tourism section as illustrated above includes orientation of our tourism manpower and visitors alike, coordination with the different sectors in the industry, profile visitors and gather statistics for planning purposes, monitor the services provided to assure quality service, also to promote our culture not only to outsiders but more importantly to locals for better appreciation and strengthening of pride for place.

Among the major accomplishment for the year were as follows:

I.  Tourism Statistic Gathering

A. Basco Airport Tourist Registration and Information Center Data

The effect of the daily flights of Philippine Airlines offering two flights a day during the peak months and the presence of Skyjet catering the Mnl-Bso-Mnl plight was major in the history of Batanes tourist arrival. For the past ten years, the increase in arrival was gradual, more of predictable, with no increase of more than a hundred percent. The year 2014 was a turnaround for all stakeholders of the industry as it ended with about 17, 013 registered visitors compared to last year’s approximate total of 5,175 visitors.

January already reached 1,100, with an increase of 11.03% compared to the previous year’s highest of 997 during the peak season. April having the most number of arrival is almost five times that of August, during the lean season, reaching 2,857.


In line with the national policy as defined in the general welfare goal of the country that is to ensure the right of the people to a balance ecology and adherent with the development thrust of the province as a protected area, this administration thru the ENRO together with all the different line agencies and the private sector continuously implemented protection and conservation activities to ensure the sustainable use of the marginal resources and the province. This year’s highlights of accomplishments were the following:

Under the Forest Management Program of ENRO, a total of 81,270 seedlings of various species were produced from the 4 seedlings banks operated and maintained by the office. Most of these seedlings were used as planting materials for the rehabilitation of the different, watershed areas of the province, the reforestation of open spaces and planted along roadsides and tree parks. The communal forest located in SitioTukon was also maintained. This was continuously manage by the Office in coordination with barangay Raele and the municipal government of Itbayat. Forest rangers and casual employees assigned in Itbayat regularly patrol the area in order to monitor, manage and control the entry of illegal activities. The officials and the community of barangay Raele has the added responsibility in conducting surveillance activities and monitor of report any illegal activities observed in the declared communal forest fot the benefit of the people. Delineation and management of all watershed areas were also undertaken. This was done thru the collaborative effort of the office and the LGU concern.

Under the protected Area and Wildlife Program of the office, two established tree parks located in barangay Kayvaluganan in Uyugan and SitioKagunungan, San Rafael, Itbayat were continuously maintained in partnership with the LGU concern. Cleaning and weeding is done to maintain the area thru hired energy employees under the environmental program of this administration. The area showcases the different tree species and tourists alike. We had also established ENRO desk in partnership with the DENR located at the pre-departure area at Basco airport. Services such as sale and processing of permit to transport seedlings out of the province and to provide basic information with regard to the province as a protected area for transient tourists.

Environmental Management Program were also given due emphasis. Among the major program accomplished is the supervision by this Office the implementation of the ecological solid waste management program of the municipalities of Itbayat, Basco and Sabtang. Machineries like hammer mill, waste pulverizer/chipper, and shredder machine with chipper for use in the MRF’s and equipment like hydraulic excavator (backhoe) for Sabtang and 3 dump trucks were now distributed for each of the 3 recipient municipalities. This was funded by the EMB Central office. Coastal clean-up drive spearheaded by the Office was also conducted regularly. This was participated by the different sector of the community.

Info dissemination drive on environmental issues with the theme “reducing carbon footprints” and the climate change adaptation framework were also shared to high school students for them to become aware of their role and responsibility in protecting the environment and also help mitigate the effect of climate change to the environment.

Quarrying on the other hand has become an emerging concern of the province. With the current development of infrastructure projects and the increasing demand of the private sector for aggregate materials, the impact of quarrying along our coastal areas reach critical level. Moreso, some individual resorted to unprecedented sourcing of aggregates within their private lots which resulted to a debacle to our cause to ensure the protection of the environment and the natural resource base of the province. For this reason, this administration initiated the revision of our quarrying ordinance to address gap in its implementation and to come up with a more sound and sustainable method of utilization of the natural resources of the province. Meanwhile, the office continues to conduct monitoring activities thru assignment of hired casual employees to all quarrying sites to monitor and control illegal extraction of gathering. 

Lastly, under the Management Service of the office, we were able to conduct 45 lot relocation survey and another 73 lot subdivision survey as basis for real property taxation by the Municipal Assessors. The conduct  of survey is limited  to lots or properties that are within the alienable and disposable ( A and D) land with technical description. Fees and charger were collected from client thus providing additional revenue to the provincial government.


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