Mahatao: The Constant Aggressor

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Written by Luz Hits: 3838

The municipality of Mahatao lies at the center of Batan island whose cartographical representation present the narrowest land areas.  However, inspite of its narrowest and limited land area, it enjoys fertile land and abundant water supply.

The past years has relatively seen a significant progress in education, cultural awareness, infrastructure, technology and other socio-economic areas.  The municipal government with other government agencies has increased acceptance by farmers and fishermen.  Infrastructures were not limited to office space or school buildings but extended to those with impact on the livelihood of local constituents, with emphasis in their health and safety.  Cultural awareness was always stressed, prodding local constituents to retain customs and traditions while accepting modern trends.

The gears of progress in this municipality was slow at first; however, thru constant attention to the basic problems, each technology infused has brought about progress leaps.

The municipal government of Mahatao strongly believes that a healthy body harbors a healthy mind.  It continually consults with its constituents regarding educational problems and concerns.

It also considers its increasing population.  Hence, directing its concern towards sustaining productivity to meet the needs of the populace is a continuing mandate.

The municipality strongly stresses its Mutual Adoption of Highly Appreciative Technologies Aimed Onwards as its contribution to a progressive.

Mayor: Hon. William A. Agsunod

Land Area: 12.9 sq. kms.

No. of Barangays: 4 (Kaumbakan, Hanib, Panatayan, Uvoy)

Population: 1,583 (2010 census)

Population Density: 123/

Classification: 6th Class Municipality




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