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Cagayan River, Tuguegarao City, Luzon 3500, Philippines (Show on Map)

Buntun bridge used to be the longest bridge in the entire Philippines, until San Juanico in the Southern part of the country was built. Buntun bridge is connecting Tuguegarao to the municipalities like Solana, Enrile, Tuao, Sto. Nino and the provinces of Kalinga and Apayao.

National Highway, Provincial Capitol Compound, Tuguegarao City, Luzon 3500, Philippines (Show on Map)

Cagayan Provincial Museum and Historical Research Center is located at the provincial capitol complex. It was conceived by the Provincial Board in 1971 and became operational on its inauguration on August 15, 1973 during the traditional Aggao na Cagayan. It is a general museum that houses an extensive collection of artifacts, antiques, ethnography, trade wares, heirloom pieces and liturgical works of the province and fossils of animals that once roamed the valley. The museum houses extensive data on the discovery of Callao Man by the National Museum of the Philippines. The center is only 5 km (3.1 mi) from Tuguegarao.

Centro 9, Bagumbayan, Tuguegarao City, Luzon 3500, Philippines (View on Map)

Horno or kiln is a Spanish-era brick kiln located at Barangay Bagumbayan. This was used to fire bricks to be used for various structures during the Spanish colonial era in Tuguegarao such as the Tuguegarao Cathedral and the San Jacinto chapel.

Rizal Street, Tuguegarao City, Luzon 3500, Philippines (Show on Map)

Rizal's Park is the only place where children as well as adults can relax especially at night and on weekends.

 Gomez Street, Tuguegarao City, Luzon 3500, Philippines (Show on Map)

Sts. Peter and Paul Metropolitan Cathedral is the seat of the Archdiocese of Tuguegarao. The Diocese of Tuguegarao was erected on April 10, 1910. Pope Paul VI elevated the Diocese of Tuguegarao into an Archdiocese on September 21, 1974. The church with the belfry is the biggest Spanish colonial church in Cagayan Valley built by the Dominicans who came to evangelize Cagayan Valley. It was constructed from January 17, 1761 to 1767 under the supervision of Fr. Antonio Lobato, O.P. The cathedral suffered massive destruction in World War II losing its pipe organ, three wooden retablos, pulpit, wooden choir loft and the painted wooden ceiling all of which were from the early 18th century. The old convent adjacent to the cathedral church was also razed to the ground during the war and was demolished to make way for a new one. The complex was rebuilt by Msgr. Bishop Constance Jurgens who is now entombed inside the church. The Cathedral is also said to be one of the beautiful structures that stood in the land and because of that impression, its portrait can also be seen in Vatican City. The traditional ringing of the cathedral bells for the Angelus and during Mass is still being practiced today. 

Mabini Street, Tuguegarao City, Luzon 3500, Philippines (Show on Map)

St. Hyacinth Church (San Jacinto Church) or the Ermita de Piedra de San Jacinto (Stone Chapel of San Jacinto) is an elevated historic chapel established in 1604, 100 years older than the Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral. American soldiers during the Philippine-American War used it as headquarters in 1899. St Hyacinth is the patron saint of the city whose feast is celebrated every August 15 coinciding with the Pav-vurulun Festival. The oldest brick structure in the city is the first parochial building built by the Dominican fathers in Tuguegarao. The current structure is the latest in a process of rebuilding beginning in 1724, in 1892 after it was destroyed by an earthquake and reconstruction after World War II. The chapel was not heavily damaged during the war and as a result retains its original wooden retablo which dates back to the 18th century.



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