The Province of Quirino is staking a huge potential investment opportunity on its Furniture Industry. The Quirino Forestry Master Plan was formulated to strengthen and support this growing industry. It has four (4) major management objectives. (1) Tree Plantation for Wood Production; (2) Watershed Rehabilitation for Water Production;  (3) Biodiversity Conservation; and (4) Eco-Tourism.

A land area of forty thousand (40,000) hectares exclusive for the Tree Plantation has been allocated under the plan. The Provincial Government will also provide support to the existing forty four (44) furniture manufacturers in the province.

In addition to the Furniture Industry, Quirino is focusing efforts to develop its livestock industry in tandem with increasing the yield of several permanent crops, such as coffee, cacao, coconut, and bamboo. To date the total planted area exceeds 2,000 hectares.  Parts of strengthening Livestock Production is allocating potential grazing lands under the Forestry Master Plan. At present, the total area of grazing lands in use is over 13,000 hectares.