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2024-07-27 03:07

The Cagayan Freeport’s location makes it an ideal site for an international transshipment hub. Located at the northeastern tip of the Philippines, it is along the major shipping lanes between the U.S. West Coast and China, and is readily accessible to international ports in Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong. As an international transshipment point, the Zone will feature a strategic multimodal logistics system in the context of a global transpark. Global TransPark (GTP)/Strategic Multimodal Logistics System.


The GTP concept is an advanceed multi-modal infrastructure that provides logistics for manufacturing and distribution of goods and products. This allows a seamless just-in-time delivery through the transshipment of various consumer products straight from the production line into the carrier and immediate delivery to the country of destination.


The Cagayan North International Airport strategically complements the just-in-time manufacturing with its 2.2 km runway and 2-aircraft capacity apron. Air freight capabilities of the CNIA will increase the logistics potential of the freeport of accommodating air cargo, surface transportation, and an advaced telecommunications systems.


The cohesive transport of cargo will also be further enhanced by a railway system connecting air freight from the Cagayan North International Airport with the shipments in Port Irene Transhipment Hub.

Ancillary activities with linkages to logistics include:

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  • Warehousing
  • Cold storage
  • Drying
  • Packaging
  • Trucking and other land transport services
  • Airport and other airport services
  • Seacraft and aircraft repair
  • Banking and finance
  • Wholesale and retailing
  • Operation of Utilities (i.e., power, water and sewerage, telecommunications, and gas)

Government Agency Links

Bureau of ImmigrationBoard of InvestmentsBureau of CustomsDepartment of Environment and Natural ResourcesDepartment of Labor and EmploymentDepartment of TourismDepartment of Trade and IndustryNational Economic and Development Authority

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