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2024-07-27 06:57

The Cagayan Economic Zone and Freeport has over 2,000 has of land assigned for industrial purposes. Manufacturing industries such as textiles, pharmaceuticals and electronics could avail of the incentives offered by CEZA as well as the logistical advantage of having a Freeport in close proximity to major the major Asian markets.


CEZA’s motivation in promoting manufacturing is consistent with the world economy’s trend of optimizing a low cost and efficient business environment. The Cagayan Freeport has about 2,000 hectares of land dedicated for industrial use. A highly trainable workforce is readily available from the 23 higher education institutions and 79 vocational schools in the region. The accessibility  of talented human capital in a low-cost environment is in tune with a manufacturing company’s objective in maximizing profit.


Manufacturing companies can take advantage of the logistical solutions offered by Port Irene, Cagayan North International Airport and later on the a railway system connecting both international gateways. CEZA boasts its robust ICT infrastructure which conforms with the manufacturing industry’s widespread use of digital information and computerized manufacturing technologies. Both of CEZA’s physical and ICT infrastructure enables the integration into a globalized manufacturing supply chain permitting the production of highly advanced manufactured products.


The following are potential value added manufacturing industries in the Cagayan Freeport:

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  • Mineral Processing
  • Petroleum
  • Motor Vehicles
  • Leather and footwear
  • Electric Machineries
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Shipbuilding
  • Electronics
  • Semi-conductors
  • Decorative Wood Products
  • Paper Products
  • Apparel

Government Agency Links

Bureau of ImmigrationBoard of InvestmentsBureau of CustomsDepartment of Environment and Natural ResourcesDepartment of Labor and EmploymentDepartment of TourismDepartment of Trade and IndustryNational Economic and Development Authority

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